Our Shopify experts are able to get you up to speed so that you may take advantage of the success of your shop in no time. We will help you add new Shopify Apps to your business and build bespoke applications which go beyond the fundamentals to enhance the ROI of your eCommerce store.
Opsætning og konfigurationer
Hvad er ikke inkluderet
Ansvarsfraskrivelse:Der kan være et krav om et ekstra gebyr fra Trending Products-appen, som samtidig giver værdi for forbrugerne. Opsætning af Shopify Trending Products-appen i din Shopify-butik kan på den anden side til tider være svært; ikke desto mindre vil Hulkapps og dets Shopify-specialister hjælpe dig med at konfigurere Shopify Trending Products-appen i din butik i overensstemmelse med dine krav, hvilket sikrer din succes!
SEO og sidehastighed optimeret
SEO and Page Speed Optimized
All the stores are SEO optimized to jump-start your free traffic source. You will not have to waste hours learning how to do SEO for your dropshipping site. The site is already SEO and page-speed optimized before being handed over to you.
1-on-1 Shopify Expert Support
A Shopify expert will be keeping in touch with you to communicate the needs in detail. Unlimited revisions are provided if you are not satisfied with the end result.
No Question Asked Return Policy
Giraffly offers the most flexible return policy in the market. If you are unhappy with our service provided, you will get a full refund without a question asked.
We offer unlimited revisions. Bug fixes and minor tweaks are always on us. Additions and sizable changes will be charged separately.
GIraffly tilbyder den mest fleksible returpolitik på markedet. Hvis du er utilfreds med vores leverede service, vil du få fuld refusion uden at stille spørgsmål.
Sure. Just buzz us whenever you need our assistance. Even if it is months after project completion.
The optimization process has nothing to do with your site data. Nothing will be deleted or changed. If some change is really necessary in terms of speed, I will ask for your permission and then make the change accordingly.
Hvordan kan jeg betale?
We accept PayPal and all major credit cards.
We use USD (United States Dollars).
We require full payment before we start our work.
Never. No, none of our tasks will result in a downtime — even a little time. For an emergency case, we always track your uptime while we are working on your website.
Absolutely yes! And here is come the best part: Unlike other sellers, I never require any additional payment or force you to buy some gig extra! I believe in karma and doing some good things will return as good things in your life.
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