Track Order Status, Order Lookup, Tracking Page, Email Updates
Install - TrackingMore ‑ Order Tracking
Show in which locations your products are available
Install - Searchy
Sticky Cart Drawer, Cart Upsell, Rewards, Announcements & more
Install - Slide Cart Drawer‑ Cart Upsell
Reduce bounce rates and sell more by voice-enabling your site.
Install - PHEBI Voice & Instant Search
Automatically import brand logos and generate a brand page
Install - Automatic Brand Logo Page
Vis Facebook-sidefeed på butikken din uten iframe
Installer - DoT Facebook-sidefeed
Simple, yet powerful app to add header bar to your store.
Install - Simple Header Bar
Fullt tilpassbar salgsfremmende topplinje. Vis fornøyde kunder.
Installer - Rask konverteringslinje
Kundene dine vil kjøpe mer med en fantastisk animert popup
Installer - Gratis frakt popup
Bring Festivals to your store with decorations & snow.
Install - Amaz Festival Season
Maksimer annonsefortjenesten med automatisk skalering
Installer - Facebook Ads Scaling - Skalering
A lovely Valentine's Day game to excite your customers
Install - Valentine's Day: Gamified!
Supercharge your store with animated social proof popups
Install - Signals: Simple Sales Popups
Display photos from Facebook, Flickr, Instagram and Google+
Install - TZ Plus Gallery
A powerful search app with AI search and filter technology
Install - Adept Search ‑ AI Search
Make online shopping easy for your overseas customers with XE
Install - XE Currency Converter
Lottery Email Gathering
Install - Scratch a Sale
Skip the cart page and take customers straight to checkout.
Install - Checkout‑Direct
Easy create FREE mega menu - BEST for store navigation
Install - Smart Mega Menu & Navigation
Back in Stock, Promos, Bars, for any Marketing announcements
Install - 3‑in‑One Master Marketer