Covid-19 Health & Safety Policy
All Staff - Installers - Contractors attending a Workplace, Customer’s residence/premises or worksite.
- Are required to complete a personal health questionnaire and declaration and submit online daily before they commence work.
- Remove shoes before entering customer’s home and/or change footwear if necessary.
- For OH&S reasons, will not remove protective footwear if the premises is a worksite or a construction zone but will spray their shoe-soles using disinfectant aerosol.
- Will not shake hands or make wilfully physical contact and will make every effort to maintain 1.5 meters recommended distance from other people wherever possible.
- Will sanitise hands before entering customer’s home or worksite.
- Will wear a protective face mask.
- Will wear protective gloves wherever practical to do so and where it doesn’t pose an OH&S risk when and if operating tools or machinery.
- Will avoid touching or making unnecessary contact with surfaces within the premises.
- Will have tissues or disposable paper towel handy to use if necessary and exercise good personal hygiene practices.
- Particularly for Installers and as deemed necessary; will use sanitising wipes and/or liquid sanitiser and change protective gloves periodically.
- Upon leaving the premises, will remove and safely dispose of protective gloves and face mask, will sanitise hands and spray shoe-soles with disinfectant aerosol.
All Store-based Sales Personnel, Office & Warehouse Staff
- Will use alcohol-based sanitiser, spray and/or wipes to wipe down all sales counters, benches, work areas and hard surfaces as well as phones, keyboards and all commonly used equipment or utensils. This will take place at the start of the workday and at least every 2 hours thereafter.
- Will sanitise hands frequently using alcohol-based hand sanitiser at the very least, every 30 minutes.
- Will not shake hands or wilfully make physical contact and will make every effort to maintain 1.5 meters recommended distance from other people wherever possible.
- Will wear protective gloves if they feel it necessary and wherever practical to do so as long as it doesn’t pose an OH&S risk when and if, operating tools or machinery.
- Will wear a protective face mask if they feel it is necessary for their personal wellbeing and/or the wellbeing (or comfort) of others.
- Will ask anyone (Colleagues and Customers included) albeit respectfully, to leave the premises if they are wilfully ignoring the Health Authority recommendations about maintaining 1.5M social distancing and or ignoring good personal hygiene practices.
- Will have tissues or disposable paper towel handy to use if necessary and exercise good personal hygiene practices.
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