Before adding to cart product to confirm product disclaimer
Install - OC Disclaimer Popup
Delight your customers by making their Father's Day Special!
Install - Father's Day Celebration
Display YouTube videos in a grid view on your store
Install - Utuber
Product Filter + Search + Quick View + Sticky Cart + Badges
Install - TURBO Product Filter
NEW API - Instagram Shop with feed + Image & Video Gallery
Install - Instagram Shop + Feed Gallery
Provide a cookie banner to EU customers. GDPR consent
Install - Booster: EU Cookie Bar GDPR
User-friendly color swatches & size buttons for product page
Install - OptionMate
Sales Pop W Recent Orders. Sales Pop has direct add to cart.
Install - Sales Pop ‑ Boost Sales
Create stunning videos of your store products in seconds!
Install - Vizard ‑ Instant Video Maker
Design Upsells, Bundles, Exit Pop Ups, Seasonal Games & More
Install - Aiva ‑ Sales and Email Pop Ups
Bring back lost customers
Install - Please Come Back
Create a truly UNLIMITED amount of stunning galleries!
Install - Visceral Gallery + Slider
Experience a better way to translate store and go multilingual
Install - Easy Language Translate
Give automatic discounts to customers as they intent to leave
Install - Wait! Exit Discounts and Popup
EU GDPR compliant cookie bar for European website visitors
Install - FREE > GDPR Cookie Bar ‑ Kooke
Free App - Create gifs for your products from video or gallery
Install - GIF Maker
Build Popup Boxes & Collect E-mails in Seconds
Install - CBox PopUp Builder
Convert abandoning visitors into sales. Increase revenue.
Install - Discount Popup on Store Exit
Integrate PostNL directly into your webshop
Install - PostNL Shipping
Instagram feed of top Instagram posts customised to your store
Install - Instagram Slider Feed