Add descriptive hotspots to your product photos.
Install - Widgetic (Image Hotspots)
Exit Intent, Spin to Win, Newsletter, Email, FOMO, Any, Popup
Install - Popup Maker ‑ #1 in pop market
Increase social proof with inventory display & sold count
Install - NEON: Display inventory count
Black Friday BFCM! Show savings directly on the product images
Install - Discount Labelz
Original Theme Scheduler trusted by over 100 stores on Plus
Install - Theme Scheduler
Conversational voice search
Install - mmuze
Google Maps - add Store Locator app to website
Install - Maps ‑ Store Locator app
Simplest Way To Boost Checkout and Reduce Abandoned Carts
Install - Checkout Supercharger
Virtual Fitting Room That Helps Your Customers
Install - alomafit vfr light 1
The easiest way to increase your store conversion
Install - Hop
Send push notifications to engage & convert customers.
Install - Push Notifications PushAssist
Advanced e-commerce personalization platform
Install - Search and Filters ‑ Visely
Use texting to facilitate delivery and curbside pickup
Install - Message Mate Texting Platform
Easy create your own "Back to top" button
Install - Scroll2Top Button
Decorate your store with festive animations for every occasion
Install - Festive Holiday Decorations
Fraud & Chargeback Prevention System For High Risk Orders
Install - Beacon Fraud Protection
30% Off! Newsletter, email sign up popup, Bogo Offer pop up
Install - Email Pop Up | MailChimp Popup
Help customers find products more quickly from your menu
Install - Menus Uncomplicated
A-Z Brand Index Page and Favourites Slider
Install - Instant Brand Page
Pricing app - add pricing plans and tables to website
Install - Elfsight Pricing Table