Increase customer retention, reviews and referrals
Install - OSI Feedback
Pictograms of clothing care symbols, labels and tags
Install - Laundry Symbols Clothing Care
Save leaving customers and generate sales.
Install - EXIPOP
Increase your sales, motivate your customers to buy more
Install - Motivation Bar
Easily create and manage beautiful tables
Install - TablePress ‑ Data Tables
Displays recent orders on your store for prospective customers
Install - Sales Pop ‑ Live Notifications
Add custom code to <head>, after <body> and before </body>
Install - XO Insert Code
Quick view displays product quickly to buy
Install - Smart Quick View
Easy way to make notification bar based on country
Install - Country Based Announcement Bar
Add a second Add to Cart button on your product page.
Install - ATClone ‑ Second ATC button
Trust badges for products and vendors verification + in stock
Install - Verified Product Badges
load products on collection pages without pagination
Install - INFINITE SCROLL & Load More
Recover abandoned cart with push notification for holiday sale
Install - Smart Push Marketing
Protect your store's images and content from unauthorized use
Install - Smart Right Click Disabler
Fast Search for Better Experience & Conversion
Install - Uplogic AI Search
Incredibly Powerful Maps & Store Locator.
Install - MapifyPro
Gather subscribers with email popup
Install - Popup ‑ Free Email Popup
Create and display product galleries to promote your products
Install - Panda Product Gallery
Choose your Shipping Rate on a Dynamic Delivery Date Calendar.
Install - CalendarRate
Take over the back button in the browser and redirect visitors
Install - Bounce Back Redirector